Book Haul #5 (February 2015)

I got this idea from Freya of Sound Of A Voice and she allowed me to steal it 🙂 thanks!

eBooks – bought:

  • Jennifer Ashley: Pride Mates (Shifters Unbound #1)
  • Elle Kennedy: One Night Of Scandal (After Hours #2)
  • Elle Kennedy: One Night Of Trouble (After Hours #3)



  • Zoe York: Fall Away (SEALs Undone #3)
  • Cynthia Eden: Need Me (Obsession #3)
  • Shiloh Walker: Darker Than Desire (Secrets & Shadows #3)
  • Paige Tyler: Her Wild Hero (X-Ops #3)
  • Stacey Kennedy: Witches Be Burned (Magic & Mayhem #2)

Like you can see, I went quite on a shopping tour on NetGalley. Three of those are already read and reviewed. The other two are my current reads.

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year 12/23/14

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And Bookish.
For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

I saw a lot of people do this meme, so I wanted to give a try too. This weeks theme is: Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year.

Only 10 Books… oh man, this is hard. LOL

  1. I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’d Have To Kill You by Ally Carter: Even though it’s for children, I want to read it. Don’t laugh at me 😉
  2. Chasing Power by Sarah Beth Durst: I love books about secret abilies, e.g. telekineses or teleportation.
  3. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken: I’m normally not that much into dystopia but this does sound interesting. No Kindle editions though.
  4. Sentinels: Jaguar Nights by Doranna Durgin: I saw this for ages on my recommendation page on Goodreads and I finally decided to take a look. Now I’m intrigued.
  5. Pride Mates by Jennifer Ashley: I read two novellas of this series and now I want more, but I’m kind of unsure if I really want to buy them. I would be happy to get them this as a gift though.
  6. Black Wings by Christina Henry: She is an Angel of Death, what else is there to say?
  7. Dying Bites by D.D. Barant: The main character is sucked into a parallel universe where humans are the minor popularity. Sounds interesting.
  8. God Save The Queen by Kate Locke: Steampunk meets Paranormal. I would have bought this ages ago, but the kindle version is just way to expensive. So I wouldn’t mind if Santa would get this for me.
  9. Killing Time by Cindy Gerard: I have already read the Black Ops-series and I will probably buy this next year, but I wouldn’t mind if I would get it as a gift 😉
  10. Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison: I feel like everyone has already read this, except for me.